
Shoki Ishii

Software developer with 1+ year of experience. Always have a purpose and passion

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Self Development

Gym Founder

Software Developer Intern

Software Developer

B.A. in English Literature

B.S. in Computer Science





Grew up in Japan and graduated from Doshisha University with a major in English Education. After that, started going to University of the People with a major in CS.

Started my career in sales, but became interested in technology and began studying computer science. Combined with my communication and problem-solving skills, believe I am an excellent Software Developer.

My Works


Todo App

Todo list app with a function of drag and drop with database

Purpose :

To satisfy my curiosity about the database operation after a drag and drop, I created this todo-app. Besides, I wrote an article How to Update the Database After a Drag-and-Drop Operation

Features :
1. Drag & Drop with Database Operations

After dragging and dropping, the updated order will be automatically saved in the database.

2. Index Number Visualize Mode

This mode helps others understand what is going on in the database


Recruit Exam App

I expect this app being used to have candidates take a simple test during the hiring process, where they can create questions, take the test, and also view the results.

Purpose :

To get a deeper understanding of tools such as React Hook Form, React Custom Hooks, React Context, etc., I researched how to use them and developed this app. I wrote this article Using React Context to Prevent Prop Drilling. And to actually learn database normalization, I learned through creating a more complex application.

Features :
Relational Database

Created it with a focus on database operations. For example, when you create a question, you can put choices in it as much as you can. Also, you can also show which questions each candidate got wrong.

My Articles

【Learn and Understand → Research more → Find similarities → Draw conclusions】
These are my steps that I always have in my learning process.